A Qwik break from React?

#​673 — February 1, 2024 Read on the Web JavaScript Weekly Cytoscape.js: Graph/Network Visualization and Analysis Library — Handy if you need to model and/or visualize relational data, like biological data or social networks. There are many demos to enjoy here. GitHub repo. Max Franz Announcing TypeScript 5.4 Beta — TypeScript gains Object.groupBy and Map.groupBy, a […]

Modern shell scripting with JavaScript

#​672 — January 25, 2024 Read on the Web JavaScript Weekly Better JavaScript Shell Scripting with Bun Shell — Performance-focused server-side runtime Bun continues its rapid evolution with a side quest into the world of shell scripting by making it easier, cross-platform friendly, and less verbose. zx offers similar (but less integrated and focused) functionality […]

Astro + htmx + Alpine.js == AHA

#​671 — January 18, 2024 Read on the Web JavaScript Weekly console.delight — You use console.log to output text, but did you know that in the browser console it can be used to render other things, like SVGs and HTML? This post is packed with examples and goes deeper into the creative options opened up […]

Is htmx Just Another JS Framework?

#​670 — January 11, 2024 Read on the Web JavaScript Weekly Is htmx Just Another JavaScript Framework? — Despite being four years old, htmx has seen a surge in popularity recently, parly due to fatigue with ‘big frameworks’ and also because its simple HTML-based approach to adding functionality to a page appeals to an increasingly […]

JavaScript’s rising stars

#​669 — January 4, 2024 Read on the Web JavaScript Weekly 🌟 The 2023 JavaScript Rising Stars — At the start of each year, Michael rounds up the projects that gained the most popularity on GitHub in the prior year. Rocketing to #1 is the shadcn/ui suite of React components, but there are a lot of […]

Reflecting on a big year for JavaScript

#​668 — December 21, 2023 Read on the Web 🎄 Welcome to the final issue of 2023! We’re taking a week off for Christmas, so this issue focuses on looking back at the past year and the items that intrigued you the most. We’re back at full steam on January 4, 2024 and we hope […]

Join our Partner Program!

Are you a Systems Integrator, Consulting Company, or Agency building Node.js based solutions to your clients? If you are then our new NodeSource Approved Partner Program may be right for you. This program is specifically designed to help companies like yours win more deals, earn revenue from sales of NodeSource N|Solid Pro, and build better […]

JS Runtime Royale

#​667 — December 14, 2023 Read on the Web ✍️ Christmas is almost here, so we’re preparing our annual roundup issue for next week, before we take some time off! Keep an eye out for that next Thursday 🙂__Your editor, Peter Cooper JavaScript Weekly Oxlint: A New JS Linter 50-100x Faster than ESLint — Making tools […]

Innovating for Performance: How our Infra Team Powers 100+ Million Downloads A Year (While Keeping our SaaS Reliable and Secure)

We just shared big news about the open-sourcing of our Node.js Runtime and the release of our AI Copilot for Node, both requiring a big role from our infrastructure (Infra) team. They are the team behind the scenes, dedicated to delivering top performance, and have been instrumental in maintaining our reputation for fast, stable, and […]

Learning JS framework concepts by building one

#​666 — December 7, 2023 Read on the Web JavaScript Weekly Learn How Modern JS Frameworks Work by Building One — Building things is a great way to learn, even if you don’t end up using what you built. Even better is when someone who’s already built something successful introduces you to the process. Nolan […]