Notes about CMS

Best Headless CMS for Vue: The Top 7 Choices

A headless content management system (CMS) is a software platform that provides the same capabilities as a traditional CMS but without its interface. This can be useful when you want to use your own front-end technology or framework with your website.

How Flatlogic Started Their Business

How Flatlogic Started Their Business Flatlogic was founded in 2013 with a clear vision: to simplify the process of web and mobile application development. Initially, they focused primarily on creating and selling React templates, although they also offered Angular and Bootstrap templates. These React templates were designed to help developers quickly build admin dashboards and […]

Gulp is back – did it ever leave?

#​687 — May 9, 2024 Read on the Web JavaScript Weekly Development Notes from xkcd’s ‘Machine’ — I bet many of you are fans of xkcd! For this year’s April Fools’ joke, they published ‘Machine’, a giant Rube Goldberg machine of sorts (explained here). With a lot of TypeScript up front and Haskell in the […]

Solving Memory Leaks in Node.js has Never Been Easier, Introducing the Latest Version of N|Solid

We are thrilled to announce the release of a new feature in N|Solid that includes sample heap profiling and heap objects observability for main processes and worker threads. N|Solid is known for its Node.js performance and security observability and diagnostic tools and best-in-class low overhead has completed a new innovation to hunt memory leaks in […]

Svelte 5 is almost here

#​686 — May 2, 2024 Read on the Web JavaScript Weekly React 19 Now in Beta — While designed to get library developers prepared for the eventual React 19 release, this is nonetheless a huge step with full support for Custom Elements (Custom Element support has long been a thorn in React’s side), all the […]

JSR isn’t another tool, it’s a fundamental shift

#​685 — April 25, 2024 Read on the Web JavaScript Weekly JSR is Not Another Package Manager — When Ryan created Node, JavaScript had no packages or standard module system. npm and CommonJS took off, and tools like Yarn or pnpm extended npm in certain areas, but in today’s ES modules era, it’s time for […]

Visualizing algorithms

#​684 — April 18, 2024 Read on the Web JavaScript Weekly Quill 2.0: A Powerful Rich Text Editor for the Web — A major release and significant modernization for the open source WYSIWYG editor. In Announcing Quill 2.0, we learn about Quill’s transition to TypeScript and improved use of modern browser features, but there’s more […]

An easy way to experiment with signals

#​683 — April 11, 2024 Read on the Web JavaScript Weekly Frontend Development Beyond React: Svelte — A surprisingly thorough article going deep into one developer’s research into using Svelte to build modern front-end apps. If you’ve never experimented with Svelte, this is a good primer to the key concepts, tradeoffs, and techniques involved. Héla Ben […]

A signal boost for JavaScript

#​682 — April 4, 2024 Read on the Web JavaScript Weekly A Proposal to Add Signals to JavaScript — A (very) early stage proposal for bringing a new feature to ECMAScript/JavaScript: signals! The proposal brings aboard ideas from a swathe of popular frameworks and aims to align everyone and get us on the same page […]

Promises visualized

#​681 — March 28, 2024 Read on the Web JavaScript Weekly JavaScript Visualized: Promise Execution — A helpful diagrammed and animated article, coupled with an (optional) 8-minute video, that goes into how promises work and are scheduled behind the scenes. It’s useful to have a good mental model of these mechanics, given promises form the […]

Enhancing Node.js Core: Introducing Support for Synchronous ESM Graphs

Exciting news this week! One of the latest features in Node.js core is the addition of support for requiring synchronous ECMAScript Modules (ESM) graphs. This enhancement promises to simplify the transition for package authors and users alike, as the ecosystem gradually shifts towards ESM. This long-awaited feature, enabled via the –experimental-require-module flag, marks a pivotal […]